本公司成⽴于2002年12⽉,专业从事模具设计开发及变压器⻣架(BOBBIN)的⽣产和销售。⼯⼚位于⼈杰地灵的深圳经济开发区福永镇。本公司集有从事多年的专业 BOBBIN技术开发,品质管理的精英团队,本着“追求卓越品质,打造科技精品,诚信铸就品牌,争创⾏业新优”的企业⽂化,竭诚为每⼀位客⼾服务。效率经营,降低成本,提升质量,满⾜顾客的经营理念与客⼾共同成⻓。
xinyujia is established on Dec 2002, we are specialized in the designs of Moulds, also have rich
experience of Bobbin’s production & sales.Our factory is located in the Fuyong town, Shenzhen
city, which is famous from worldwide.We have a skilled, experienced and professional team in
Bobbin line for almost 20 years. With the faith of Pursuing Excellent Quality, Creating Highquality Science and Technology, Creating Brand by Integrity and Striving for New Excellence in the Industry,to get“ Efficiency Management, Cost Reduction, Quality Improvement and Customer Satisfaction”,so that we can serve our customers much better, and grow together.